Published December 6, 2020 | By Torch Designs
Robby, arrived on time with a upbeat attitude and a smile. I explained to him that another company had replaced my a/c unit in March of this year. During the first cold snap a few weeks ago when i turned on the heat, there was no heat. I called the company that replaced the unit to find the problem. When they arrived the next day the tech was here for approximately 2 1/2 hours but could not find the problem. The next day a tech supervisor arrived to look at the system. After 2 hours plus he stated it was the thermostat wire, but he was able to use other wires in the bundle instead and that the unit was now heating properly. NOT SO, this week when i turned on the heat IT WOULD NOT SHUT OFF. Robby went to work and found the thermostat was wired WRONG. He fix it, re-programmed the thermostat, answered all my questions and was gone within an hour. It would appear that the units thermostat was not wired or programmed properly when installed or when they attempted to fix it, In addition the thermostat was not programmed properly when installed, or function tested. Big THANKS to Robby and Thorpe Heating and a/c